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We create a fun, safe, interactive environment for our children. Servers of the will teach and assist teachers in teaching the word of God in a way for children to understand. 

We are the friendly faces that welcome families to We make children feel comfortable and gather information needed to serve the children effectively. 


Prayer not only sets the atmosphere for the service, but it prepares our hearts for each day we face. Our team of prayer warriors pray for those that requested prayer, pray for each service, and pray throughout the week.

The e.Youth is the youth of today! This group needs individuals that are willing to serve them and help them develop into young men and women after God.

We serve you! We are a friendly group that loves to help and serve the church and the community. 

From photography to sound, we are the visual and audio that add to the experience in each service. We, also, handle social media and graphic design. 


We are the faces you see as you come to service. We help you park, find your way, and get you any information you may need. 


Events include everything outside of services. Event planners assist with outreach, parties, and community events. 

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